Ways of talking

high-pitched ones:

bawl: to shout loudly, especially in an unpleasant or angry way.
she bawled at him in front of everyone.
nota: se pronuncia con "o:" larga

cry: to shout loudly

: (informal) to shout loudly.
Don`t holler at me

shierk: to give a loud high shout, for example when you are exited, frightened or in pain.
syn: scream

shrill: to make an unpleasant high loud sound.
behind me the telephone srilled

: to shout loudly, for examplebecause you are angry, exited, frightened or in pain

low-pitched ones:

hiss: to say something in a quiet angry voice
"leave me alone!" she hissed.

mumble: to speak or say something in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear.
I could hear him mumbling to himself.
nota: esos fanaticos del cine podran recordar una de las escenas finales de mision imposible 2 cuando Sean Ambrose (el antagonista) le dice a su amigo (que tenia la boca vendada y una mascara encima) STOP MUMBLING!!!!!!.... acto seguido le mete un tiro en la frente.

murmur: to say something in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear or understand.
She was murmuring in his ear.

mutter: to speak or say in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about something.
Situation: teacher starts giving lots of homework, so students mutter: ..."fucking homework, why in hell did I started this fucking course anyway"...

sigh: to say sth with a sigh
‘Oh well, better luck next time,’ she sighed.

whisper: to speak very quietly to somebody so that other people can not hear what you are saying.