describing people 2

saphed like an egg
an oval face/ una cara ovalada

sloping in one direction
Bruce lee had slanted eyes.
(slanted los van a encontrar como desviado en algunos diccionarios, pero en este contexto se refiere a ojos achinados)

ginger: (entre rubio y pelirojo)
light brownish, orange colour
ginger hair/ a ginger cat

teenaged: (adolecente) como adjetivo, NO SUSTANTIVO, que es teenager :)
between 13 and 19 years old
they have two teenaged daughters (ellos tienen dos hijas adolecentes)

wrinkled: (wrinkles: arrugas)
(of skin, clothes, etc) having wrinkles. A wrinkle is a line or small fold in your skin, especially on your face, that forms when you get older
there were fine wrinkles around her eyes

thick: grueso
(hair, furs, trees) growing closely together in large numbres
thick dark hair

balding: (pelado)
starting to lose the hair on your head
a short balding man with glasses (george?? jaja)

tanned: (moreno, por el sol)
having a brown skin colour as a result of being in the sun

slim: (delgado)
(of a person) thin, in a way that is atractive.
how do you manage to stay so slim?

(of people) to heavy and fat
she was only a few overweight (esta es la forma sutil de decirte gordo)

pale: (palido)
2_(of a person) having skin that is almost white; having skin that is whiter than usualbecause of illness, a strong emotion etc
a pale complexion

1_light in colour, containing a lot of white
pale blue eyes

1_not in a straight line; bent or twisted
a crooked nose/ smile. A village of crooked streets

a crooked businessman/ deal (deal: trato o acuerdo)

freckle: (peca) este es el sustantivo
a small, pale brown dot on a persons skin, especially on their face, caused by the sun.
a freckled face/ schoolgirl (una cara/alumna pecosa)

dimpled: (los hollitos que se forman en los pomulos al reirse o el hollito del menton)
a dimpled chin or cheeks are those with a small hollow places that form when people smile

thin but strong (flaco pero fibroso)
a wiry little man

beatiful, pretty, hadnsome, attractive, lovely, goodlooking, gorgeous
these words all describe people who es pleasant to look at

beatifull (especially of a woman or a girl) very pleasant to look at)
ex she looked stunningly beautiful that night.
she has got a very pretty face.

pretty is used most often to talk about girls. When it is used to talk about a woman, it usually sugest that she is like a girl, with small, delicate features.

with large strong features, rather than small delicate ones.

pleasant to look at, especially in a sexual way