describing people 1

able: clever or good at what you do.
an able student

absent-minded: describes someone who tends to forget things or does not pay attention to what is happening near them because they are thinking about something else.
she absent-mindedly left her umbrella on the bus.

adaptable: able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions

affectionate: showing feelings of liking or love
he is an affectionate little boy

analytical: examinign or tending to examine things very carefully

anxious: worried and nervous
my mother always gets a bit anxious if we don`t arrive when we say we will

ardent: showing strog feelings
an ardent feminist

argumentative: (disapproving) often arguing or wanting to argue
don`t be so argumentative !

arrogant: unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people
I found him arrogant and rude

assertive: describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe
if you really want the promotion, you`ll have to be more assertive
self-assertive: giving your opinions in a powerful way so that other people will notice

attentive: If someone is attentive, they are very helpful and take care of you

authoritarian: (disapproving) demanding total obedience and refusing to allow people freedom to act as they wish

beady: (of eyes) small and bright, especially like a bird`s eyes
His beady little eyes were fixed on the money I held out.

belligerent: (disapproving) wishing to fight or argue
Watch out! Lee's in a belligerent mood.

burly: describes a man who is large and strong.
a burly policeman

well-balanced: describes someone who is calm and reasonable and who shows good judgment

persuasive: (persuasivo/a)
able to pesuade somebody to do or believe something
tina is a very persuasive person. she is capable of convincing you to do almost anything she wants.

tactless: que no tiene tacto, insensible
saying or doing things that are likely to annoy or to upset other people
sarah can be tactless on occasion. she often says things that offend people.

frank: franco, honesto
honest and direct in what you say, sometimes in a way that people might not like
jim is very frank; he always says exactly what he is thinking

honest: honesto
1_ always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating.
2_ honest (about something)/(with somebody) not hiding the truth about something
3_showing an honest mind or attitude
stephanie is one of the most honest people I know; she would never consider doing anything illegal

fussy: caprichoso, detallista
1_(about something) too concerned or worried about details or standards, especially unimportant ones
my little sister is fussy about what she eats; there are very few foods she likes.

reserved: reservado, introvertido
(of a person or their character) slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions
syn shy
anna is a very reserved person who hardly ever lets her feelings show.

trustworthy: confiable
that you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc
syn reliable
mark is extremely trustworthy; when it comes to keeping secrets, he will never tell a soul.

outgoing: extrovertido, sociable
liking to meet other people, enjoying their company and being friendly towards them
syn sociable
annabel is an outgoing person who loves meeting people and making new friends.

patient: paciente
(with somebody/something) able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour or difficulties without becoming angry
she is very patient with young children
you will just have to be patient and wait till I`m finished

boring: aburrido
not interesting; making you fell tired an impatient;
the class was so boring, I almost fell asleep at my desk

pessimistic: pesimista
(about something) expecting bad things to happen or something not to be successful; showing this;
opp optimistic
he is so pessimistic about everything, he always says things will go wrong.

rubicund: having a red face.
rubicund of visage. visage means face, and it is often used in literary pieces.

sensible: prudente
able to make good judgements base on reason and experience rather than emotion; practical.
I think the sensible think would be to take a taxi home
adv sensibly

sensitive: sensible
1_aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings
2_able to understand art, music and literature and to express yourself through them
3_esayly offended or upset
adv sensitively
noun sensitivity

Nota: OJO! "sensible" es una transparencia falsa.
sensible= sensato: prudente; que se muestra o actua con serenidad e inteligencia
nada que ver con "sensible" en español, que en ingles se dice "sensitive"


considered by other people to be extrange or unusual

an eccentric aunt

trying hard to get what you want, especially in a way that seems rude
a pushy salesman

well known for being bad
a notorious criminal


having a very high opinion of how important and clever you are; too proud