Phrasal verbs 2


 UNIT 2 (LANDMARK upper intermediate, workbook)

 get away 


        to succeed in leaving a place:
        I won’t be able to get away from the office before 7. %get a'way (from sb / … )to  

        to escape from sb or a place                             

have a holiday

to have a holiday / vacation:
            We’re hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.
            —related noun getaway



come off 

originate from a particular place or thing

              a damp breeze came off the sea 

 be successful

                (informal) (of a plan, etc.) to be successful; to have the intended effect or        

                 result. They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didn’t come off.


take over 

buy or gaing control of a business

                        to gain control of a business, a company, etc., especially by buying

                        CBS Records was taken over by Sony.
                        —related noun takeover

 asume responsibility for a job/task

                    to begin to have control of or responsibility for sth, especially in place of sb     
