Phrasal verbs 6


 UNIT 6 (LANDMARK upper intermediate, workbook)


bring up

to direct the conversation to a particular subject or introduce a subject into the conversation

ex   I`m sorry to keep bringing this up but you still haven`t paid me the money you owe me


look after a child until he/she is an adult. to care for a child, teaching him or her how to behave


ex     After her parents died, she was brought up by an aunt


break down

to lose control of your feelings and start crying.collapse in tears

ex    when they told her the bad news, she broke down


(of a machine) stop working because of a fault

ex    My car broke down in the middle of a bridge yesterday, Smoke was comming of the engine so I had to call for help.


make up

invent an excuse, story, especially in order to trick or entretain somebody

ex    Sometimes it`s better to bring up an excuse than to tell the truth


forgiv and become friends after an argument. to end a dissagreement with somebody and become friends again

ex    We often argue but we always make up soon after


take up

start a new job or activity. to learn or start to do something, especially for pleasure

ex    when Jerry retired, he took up golf


to fill or use an amount of  space or time

ex     My job takes up all of my free time these days.